Sunday, March 28, 2010

Race Recap

I had a really great time at my first race. I ran into (not literally) two of my fellow FitWitters. What are the odds of that in a race with 1600 runners? Apparently just good enough. I wasn't really nervous, but it was nice to have people to talk to instead of just wandering around before the start.

I managed to get a spot toward the front of the start, so it only took me a few seconds to cross the starting line. I kept a good pace. The course wasn't super hilly which I liked. I kept a good pace and only had to walk a few times. It was probably because I didn't warm up well enough. Now I know for next time that I need to make sure I'm nice and warm. Perhaps I should've gotten Stacy to lead us in a dynamic warm up. :P I finished in 37:33, which is respectable considering I didn't exactly train for this race. Now that I have an official time and a training plan for my tri, I have something to shoot for in the next one. It'll probably be the Sweetwater 420 Fest 5k or the Take Back the Night 5k that benefits the Dekalb Rape Crisis Center. Both of them are at more reasonable times, too. I got a cool shirt, a bag, a bunch of Larabars, and the satisfaction of knowing I'm now a competitive runner. It's one small step toward my tri.

I didn't get to train today. I was supposed to swim and bike, but it was raining, so biking was out. By the time I did everything else I had to do today, I didn't have time to swim either. I'll just get it in tomorrow. It's not supposed to rain, I don't think. I'll bike before yoga and swim after. Tuesday I'll be back to running and my calves should be okay by then. I was supposed to participate in an unofficial 5k this morning, but when I woke up my legs were feeling pretty sore. Maybe next time.

I'm hoping to finally settle into my training schedule this week. Obviously I can't control the weather, but I'd like to stick as close to the plan as possible. I'm thinking of taking a couple swimming lessons just to refine my technique a bit. It certainly can't hurt to take a bit of a refresher class.

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