Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh Push Ups, How I Loathe Thee

To preface this, my official training won't begin until May. Until then, I'm on my own. I've been doing fitness camp since the first week of January and that has definitely whipped my butt into shape quickly. Today's workout, for example, was a fun one.

The main event was the push up / wall ball challenge. The "wall ball" exercise is tossing a medicine ball against a wall, catching it while going down into a squat, and repeating. It's about as pleasant as it sounds. We alternated those with push ups in descending reps. But wait! There's a catch! For those of us who are still doing push ups on our knees (*cough* me *cough*), we had to 40 reps each time. So my rep count looked like:

40 push ups
50 wall balls
40 push ups
40 wall balls
40 push ups
30 wall balls
40 push ups
20 wall balls
40 push ups
10 wall balls

Needless to say, my arms were a wee sore after that. I did it in under 20 minutes and wasn't last, so I guess I can't complain too much. As if that wasn't enough fun, we then went down to the basketball court and did an 8-4-2 touch drill. Again, not that simple. Not only did we have to carry a medicine ball for the 8, we had to run backwards. Yes, run backwards. Hilarity ensued. I was no dumb bunny and partnered up with one of the fastest runners in the group. As a result we were the second team to finish, even though my slow self started us off.

Then during my lunch break, I went and ran on the treadmill. I managed to go 1.66 miles in 20 minutes, which was a bit slower than I've clocked in the past. I think part of it is being able to see the minutes tick down. I know exactly what pace I'm going at so then it messes with my head. When I'm running outside and have a route to complete, I think that actually makes me work harder.

Tomorrow's plan:
Sleep in :P
30 min bike during lunch
3 hours of dance

There's a group meeting for a 3 mile run tomorrow, but I think I'll pass. I probably should go, but my ankle is feeling more off than usual. Plus, a good night's sleep is vital to successful training. I definitely didn't have that going for me last night.

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