Friday, March 26, 2010

Donations, Races, and Other Such Joys

I got my second donation in! Just when I was starting to feel like I was doing something wrong. Thank you Anonymous donor who gave $75. Whoever you are, wherever you are, your generosity is deeply appreciated. :D

My very first race is tomorrow and I'm not nervous...yet. I'm sure I will be when I get there, get my number, and start milling around. I'm going to try to keep a 10 min/mile pace. I think that's about what I was doing when I ran the last time and crashed and burned. I don't think that should be a problem this time around. At least, I hope not.

Because of the race, I skipped my training run today. I'm going to try to swim or bike after the race tomorrow, if I'm not totally dead. Life is starting to get in the way a bit, so I'm not sure. It's supposed to rain on Sunday, so I may want to wrestle with the bike first and then swim on Sunday. One of my FitWit buddies is hosting an unofficial 5k on Sunday, so I may walk/hobble that and enjoy a mimosa at the end. :P

I'm hoping to settle into a better training routine next week. Barring injuries and acts of God, that should happen. I really need to spend more time on the bike, but every time I get a chance it seems the weather is nasty. I guess I'll just take my chances tomorrow.

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