Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life Lesson #76

Digest before deciding to run. I was inspired to make pancakes, then figured I should go out for a run while the motivation was there. And by motivation, it was probably a sugar rush. Those pancakes almost came up for a return tour about half a mile in. I finished out the mile and called it good. Now I know better. My pace wasn't bad. I ended up averaging about an 11 minute mile. It's no great shakes, but there was a time where a 15 minute mile was usual for me. Tomorrow's goal is to finish the full 3.3 miles. Just don't eat first.

I'm also thinking of joining a running group or running with some of my fellow FitWitters. I know several of them participate in various groups, so I'll ask around on Monday. There was a group training for a half marathon, but it's being run next weekend, so I figure they're way out of my league. Too bad I didn't know about it before. They always get breakfast after the runs (wait a sec...). I think I'd do better with the accountability of a group, much like with FitWit. If I'm left to my own devices, I'll make excuses. I can't make excuses if I'm going to do a triathlon, run a half marathon, or even finish a 5k. It just doesn't work that way. That said, my training goals for the rest of the week:

Tomorrow: 1 hr spin class (since I don't have a bike yet), 2 hrs of dance, 3.3 mile run
Monday: 1 hr camp, 30 min treadmill (to see how far I can sustain at an 11 min/mile), 1.25 hr yoga
Tuesday: 1 hr camp, running group
Wednesday: 1 hr spin class, 3 hrs dance
Thursday: 1 hr camp, 3 hrs dance
Friday: 1 hr camp, 3 hrs dance
Saturday: Running group (?), 30 min swim if I have goggles and a more practical swimsuit by then

The dancing doesn't really count as training, but I love it and it's a nice way to make sure I stay stretched. I don't do yoga nearly as much as I should, but dance warm ups seem to have kept the true pain at bay.

On that note, I should pull myself together and get ready to dance.

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