Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another Frustrating Day


Today's training goal was a 16 minute run and then to take my two favorite dance classes. After camp this morning, my right IT band made it clear that no such thing was going to happen. I got a foam roller, a knee strap, and a new ThermiPack. Yes, that means I'm actually icing something and trying to rehab it properly. I think most of my problems stem from the fact that I overpronate like there's no tomorrow. I'm sure the new shoes are helping, but I haven't been in them long enough to see any real improvement.

There's no way I'm not running in the 5k on Saturday. I think as long as I keep the regimen of roller, ice, knee strap, and Darvocet up, I should be fine. It also should be safe to tool around on the bike Saturday afternoon. It sucks that I'm only just starting and I'm already having problems. It's not like joint problems are new for me, but meh.

Hopefully my plan will work and I'll be feeling better sooner rather than later.

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