Thursday, April 1, 2010

Who Are You?

Well, won't make it to the tri club meeting. Thank you migraine. After I finish this entry, I'm definitely closing the blinds, putting on my sleep mask, and trying not to die. Not the point.

The point is I'm nowhere near the person I was even three months ago. It came to me as I was shaking turf bits out of my running shoes this morning. I had gotten up at 5am only to run and do pushups on a wet football field. And I liked it. I liked being wet, covered in turf bits, and sweating my ass off. It was a challenge I didn't back down from. FitWit laid the groundwork for my triathlon aspirations. Even when I think I can't do another push up or run another lap, I remember just how far I've come. Anyone who's known me for any length of time knows that 5am used to be for going to bed and I'd rather be covered in honey and left for ants than run. I'd like to think I've evolved into a better person. One of my friends even commented when I mentioned my bike matched my new car that he didn't know me any more. In the nicest way possible, of course.

I've always been stubborn as hell and I've finally found an outlet where it's an asset rather than a hindrance. I finished my first real race and that's mind boggling to me. I honestly never thought I would do something like that. Now I'm hooked. I've got some form of race scheduled almost every month for the rest of the year. Two 5k's, two 10k's, 2 (possibly 3) tris, and a half marathon. I'm also looking into adventure racing provided I can find a partner. Who is this girl? I'm not totally sure yet, but I think I like her. I don't think I'd mind if she stuck around for a while.

And after that burst of philosophical codswallop, time to hide in the dark until my head stops pounding.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better. Once you start running and doing triathlons, it is easy to get hooked.
