Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Final Countdown *air guitar*

So Collins Hill is a mere 4 days away. I haven't exactly gotten in awesome training either. Though my intent is just to finish and get the experience. The distances are do-able, especially considering I'll be running over a mile longer on Saturday morning than I'll be running on Sunday. It is supposed to rain though, which could lead to a very scary bike leg. They sent an email out today detailing specific rules. Apparently on the run you aren't allowed to crawl. I laughed, but I'm sure they have that rule in place for a reason. Also any stroke is legal during the swim, so I think I'm gonna be backstroking the whole way. I may start freestyle just so I can see the traffic in front of me. Hell, I'll probably be so nervous that I'll jump in and forget what I'm doing. At least I can touch the bottom of the pool.

On the fundraising front, I should be hearing back from Palate with a final number. I'm hoping for around $200, which would get me almost a third of the way toward the minimum. I have a few more ideas up my sleeve as well. I'll probably host another event later in the summer and market it a bit better. I got good feedback and I may be able to better coordinate with the FitWit crew.

This will get a ton easier when the season actually kicks off and I'm training more consistently with a group. That's doubly true for swimming. I really need to get off my lazy ass and go out with NAMC, but it's just that. I'm lazy. Once I get off said lazy ass and do it, I'm hooked. It just takes me, oh, about 367 tries (tris!) before I do it. My next chance is their group ride next Tuesday as they run on Sundays and I'm obviously otherwise engaged. So we'll see. I'm not sure how my butt and nerves will take 22 miles on roads with cars and hills, but that's part of the challenge. Plus, I heard rumors of Taco Mac.

Tomorrow is rehearsal, ballet class, and then probably my last swim before Sunday. I think I got this. Scratch that, I KNOW I got this.

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