Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm Baaaaack

Yesterday was the first day back. Daddums and I headed out to the Creek to run. It wasn't all I'd dreamed and more for my first run back. I walked a lot more than I wanted to. I averaged a 13 min/mi pace. I think it was a combination of taking off too fast and not hydrating properly beforehand. I did the first half mile in 5'22", which I was proud of, but then it started to catch up with me. The good news is the ankle and IT band both felt pretty good. I've got my next 5k in 13 days, so I'm going to focus on getting myself ready for that. For comparison, I ran 5k yesterday and did it 2.5 minutes slower than my official time for my race. That was really the most discouraging part, especially since the creek is dead flat. Something to strive for, I suppose.

As if running three miles wasn't fun enough, I also had rehearsal yesterday. For those who don't know, dance is one of my other passions. I'm performing in a show on June 25 & 26 and we started rehearsal this week. It was tantamount to a cheerleading practice. The choreographer (whom I adore) wants to incorporate a lot of tricks and theatrics into the piece, so he had us doing toe touches, roundhouse kicks, and things of that ilk. I hadn't properly warmed up my hips, so my right hip is calling me nasty names right about now. As a result, I'm going to take a nice long bike ride this afternoon. I figure that should be a bit easier on the hip than running more or even swimming.

Camp starts back tomorrow and I'm really excited about that. I guess it was good that this was an off week since I was having joint issues, but I'm beyond ready to get back into it. I'm also taking tomorrow and Tuesday off from work, so I'm looking to get some really good training in. I need to reconfigure my schedule a bit because of rehearsals, but that shouldn't be a big deal. I'm also determined to stick to the nutrition plan this time around because I'm going to the beach the last week of camp and I want to actually wear the cute bikini I bought last summer. Of course, it probably means said bikini is too big as a lot of stuff from last summer is. It's a good problem to have methinks.

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