Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Final Countdown *air guitar*

So Collins Hill is a mere 4 days away. I haven't exactly gotten in awesome training either. Though my intent is just to finish and get the experience. The distances are do-able, especially considering I'll be running over a mile longer on Saturday morning than I'll be running on Sunday. It is supposed to rain though, which could lead to a very scary bike leg. They sent an email out today detailing specific rules. Apparently on the run you aren't allowed to crawl. I laughed, but I'm sure they have that rule in place for a reason. Also any stroke is legal during the swim, so I think I'm gonna be backstroking the whole way. I may start freestyle just so I can see the traffic in front of me. Hell, I'll probably be so nervous that I'll jump in and forget what I'm doing. At least I can touch the bottom of the pool.

On the fundraising front, I should be hearing back from Palate with a final number. I'm hoping for around $200, which would get me almost a third of the way toward the minimum. I have a few more ideas up my sleeve as well. I'll probably host another event later in the summer and market it a bit better. I got good feedback and I may be able to better coordinate with the FitWit crew.

This will get a ton easier when the season actually kicks off and I'm training more consistently with a group. That's doubly true for swimming. I really need to get off my lazy ass and go out with NAMC, but it's just that. I'm lazy. Once I get off said lazy ass and do it, I'm hooked. It just takes me, oh, about 367 tries (tris!) before I do it. My next chance is their group ride next Tuesday as they run on Sundays and I'm obviously otherwise engaged. So we'll see. I'm not sure how my butt and nerves will take 22 miles on roads with cars and hills, but that's part of the challenge. Plus, I heard rumors of Taco Mac.

Tomorrow is rehearsal, ballet class, and then probably my last swim before Sunday. I think I got this. Scratch that, I KNOW I got this.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Many thanks to Dani S. for her donation to the cause. Just goes to show that any amount makes a difference. You're awesome, my dear. Thanks for your generosity!

5k Round Two

Today is supposed to be my 2nd 5k. I say "supposed to" because it's raining. It's been thundering off and on. The RD said that they would run it rain or shine, but would change the start time if it looked like the runners were going to be electrocuted. That's mighty nice of them. I figure I'll play it by ear. If it doesn't look that bad, I'll go ahead and run it. If it's pouring rain, I won't bother. They already got my entry fee/donation so at worst I'm out $20. I would like to run and post a better time than I did in my first race, but I also don't want to risk slipping, face planting, and injuring or re-injuring one of my already emotional joints. Which reminds me, I need to put my ThermiPack back in the freezer.

If it's not raining tomorrow, I'll take Gunter out. I also need to look into getting a pair of tri shorts. My original plan of throwing the bike shorts over the swimsuit was strongly suggested against. I guess it makes sense. I have a $30 credit at the bike store where I bought Gunter and I know they have tri stuff, so that should pay for a decent pair. Then I guess I'll swim in my sports bra and shorts and throw a top over it for bike and run. I do hope they have semi-private areas for me to wring it out first. I wouldn't want to offend anyone or cause an earthquake. ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Success, I'd Say

I think the event last night was a real success. About 20-30 people came out, ate, drank, and were merry. I'll get the check in about a week, but just looking at what people were eating and drinking, I think it'll be a nice boost. I'm glad that FitWitters are a bunch of lushes. ;) It was also nice to talk to everyone and explain further what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. After all, a personal connection does drive the point home.

Thanks to not getting home until 1am, I skipped work today. It did give me a nice opportunity to train, though. I finally got back in the pool and it wasn't as bad as I'd been dreading. I alternated freestyle and backstroke and that seemed to work better. I need a nose plug because I kept getting water up my nose and that wasn't exactly good times. Nope, not at all. I also went for a bike ride and worked out on the elliptical. I find it's kinder and gentler on my joints and I get pretty much the same cardio endurance. I'm gonna get more pool time in tomorrow after my review at BBW.

I offered to be a running buddy for the Girls on the Run 5k the day before my tri, so we'll see. I haven't heard back from the coordinator yet, so they may or may not need my services. I probably shouldn't be running the day before my tri, but it's a great way to start getting involved with the organization before I start coaching.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dine Out / Cure Cancer

So my big event is tomorrow night. If you're in the Atlanta area, please consider coming by. Even if you only have a glass of wine and an appetizer, it makes a difference. It's being held at Palate Cafe & Wine Bar in Decatur. You can see a menu and get directions off their website here:

Anytime during the night is fair game. They open at 6 and close at 11, so feel free to stop by for as little or as long as you'd like. Also, if you'd like to make an additional donation while you're there, cash or checks are fine. Please make checks out to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society or LLS. If you can't find me, you can leave them with your bill and the staff will make sure they get back to me.

To RSVP, go here:

The forecast is calling for rain earlier in the day, so the patio should be dry and ready to enjoy by tomorrow night.

Come on out and I hope to see everyone there!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Playing Chicken

So I didn't end up going to the race. My alarm went off and I chickened out. It turned out to be a good thing because I had rehearsal that afternoon. We weren't exactly doing cheerleading practice this time around, but it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to use up my legs. So I went to rehearsal and then went out on the trail. I did 6 miles again and improved my pace by 2.5ish minutes per mile. As I've learned, because I'm on a hybrid, I can't go as fast as road bikes. If I get serious about this, I will have to invest in a nicer bike. Of course, I can't exactly afford to pony up $1500 for a bike right now. Gunter will suffice for now. I wanted to do a run afterwards, but when I was putting Gunter up a bunch of families hit the trail. I didn't exactly feel like dodging them. I may try again this afternoon, though I'm sure it'll be equally busy.

What I really need to do is swim. I haven't gone in almost 2 weeks. The Y doesn't open until 1, so I have some time to kill. I have to work tonight, so I need to allow time to come home and clean myself up as well. I also need to talk to someone about crashing a swim lesson or two. I won't be able to go Tuesday because of my event, but I might be able to swing Thursday. I'll ask about it when I go today and see what they say.

This time in two weeks I'll be finishing up my very first tri and can call myself, officially, a competitive triathlete. Whoa.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Shoutout and Then Some...

Thanks to my latest donor Holly who donated in memory of her father. He lost his battle with multiple myeloma about a year and a half ago.

In spite of all my fears about the bike, swimming is proving to be my problem right now. I just can't seem to get motivated to get in the pool. I've said I was going to go yesterday and today and it didn't happen. I'll have plenty of time over the weekend to go and I just need to force myself to do it. I need to get in a couple 400ish meter swims just to be sure I can get the distance.

Tomorrow morning I'm going on my longest bike ride, well, ever. I got a wild hare up my ass and decided to hike up to Canton and ride in the Rose Pedal race. The course itself is a hair under 19 miles, but when elevation is taken into account, it goes up to 27. The course description appears innocuous enough. It's not dead flat but has "rolling hills". I'm not sure what exactly constitutes a rolling hill, but I need to gain my confidence on hills. I suspect it's a series of long, low hills rather than steep ones. This seems like the perfect opportunity because I won't be dealing with traffic. I refuse to let myself chicken out. I'm going to put to use something one of my dance teachers told me. She said if you don't challenge yourself, you never learn anything new. I'll never be confident on hills if I don't ride on hills. I'll never be confident in the swim if I'm not in the pool regularly. There's no other way to do it.

A funny story from this morning. As we were warming up in camp, one of the other ladies asked me how my training was going. I told her what I've said on here and she says "Oh, so you're doing an Ironman?". I laughed and told her I was flattered she thought I was capable of that. For those who aren't familiar, triathlons come in multiple distances. The Ironman distance is the longest with a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run. My longest tri will be an Olympic distance with a 1500 m swim, 24 mile bike, and 6.2 mile run. The longest I'll probably ever attempt is a half Iron, but I may have to complete an Ironman just to say I did it. :P

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More Donations!!

I'd like to thank my three aunties, Nancy, Diane, & Karen for donating collectively $600 to the cause. Just when I was starting to get discouraged, they donated. You three rock and thank you, thank you, thank you for your very generous donations. I may yet be able to pull this off!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Butt Hurts

So I clocked 6 miles on the bike yesterday and 4 today. I originally intended to do 10 today, but by the time I hit the second mile, my butt was informing me no such things were happening. So I just turned around and went back. At least I got out there and I'm getting more confident. Monday I went at a 9 mph pace and today I went at a 13.4 mph pace. I may get the hang of this yet. I'm going to give the rump a few days off and focus on running and swimming.

I looked into swimming lessons at the Y, but they only do them in 4 week chunks. They're already halfway through this session and the next session doesn't start until after Collins Hill. I may stop by one of the classes and talk to the instructor to see if they'll let me take a few lessons just to refine my technique. I'm going to swim tomorrow night and try to get used to actually putting my face in the water. It was one of the few skills TNT specifically said we should have prior to starting the season. Goodie. I may or may not go for a run tomorrow. I've got a good bit on tap already in the form of rehearsal (1 hr), yoga class (1.25 hrs), and swimming (20-30 min). I'll probably just save the run for Thursday.

There's yet another event I'm interested in. If nothing else, it has a funny name and I'd wear the shirt with pride. It's called 24 Hours of Booty and it's, as the name implies, 24 hours of cycling to raise money for Childrens' Healthcare of Atlanta & the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I'm not a huge fan of Lance by any stretch, but he has done a lot for cancer research and CHoA is definitely a worthy cause. It's not until October, so I have time to think about it. You can ride as much or as little as you like, which I like, but they encourage aiming for a minimum of 100 miles. Considering the course loop is going to be 3 miles, that's a lot of laps. I'll sit on it, if you'll pardon the pun, until closer to time. After all, I have to get through 2 more 5k's, 2 10k's, and 3 tris. For those keeping score at home, my race schedule is shaping up something like the following:

Apr 24-Take Back the Night 5k (benefiting the Dekalb Rape Crisis Center)
May 2-Tri 2 Remember Super Sprint Tri (benefiting Alzheimer's research)
May 8-Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5k (if you don't know who that benefits, you've been living under a rock)
May 31-Celebrate America 10k (with Daddums)
Jun 19-Possum Trot 10k (I'm hoping to get my picture taken with the possum, also running with Daddums)
Aug 8-PT Solutions Women's Sprint Tri
Sept 12-Nation's Tri in DC
Oct 2&3-24 Hours of Booty
Nov 25-Thanksgiving day half marathon (probably with Daddums)

If someone had told me a year ago I'd be trying (tri-ing teehee) to do something like the above by the end of the year, I probably would've thought they were insane. The insane thing is how excited I am about doing it all. If I finish all those, I'm going to have to get an epic tattoo in the off season. Ya know, just because I can.

Monday, April 12, 2010

First Day Back, Ouch.

The bike ride didn't happen yesterday. I got home and was distracted by the Masters. Ah well. I'm trying not to beat myself up over it. Today is a new day.

Camp started back this morning and I'm feeling it. We had to do 4 rounds for time of the following:

Run 200y
30 squats
25 sit ups
30 push ups
10 burpees

By about midway through the third round, I was really feeling it. I guess that's what I get for doing nothing for the past week. I was eternally grateful I took today off because I came home and slept for 4.5 hours. I'm still tired even after that. It is good to be back because I don't have to think about what I'm doing. I just have to do it.

On that note, it's a nice day and I've taken my allergy meds, so I think it's time to bike by the creek. Shouldn't be too terribly busy since schools are back in and it's a weekday afternoon. Maybe I can go a little faster this time. :D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm Baaaaack

Yesterday was the first day back. Daddums and I headed out to the Creek to run. It wasn't all I'd dreamed and more for my first run back. I walked a lot more than I wanted to. I averaged a 13 min/mi pace. I think it was a combination of taking off too fast and not hydrating properly beforehand. I did the first half mile in 5'22", which I was proud of, but then it started to catch up with me. The good news is the ankle and IT band both felt pretty good. I've got my next 5k in 13 days, so I'm going to focus on getting myself ready for that. For comparison, I ran 5k yesterday and did it 2.5 minutes slower than my official time for my race. That was really the most discouraging part, especially since the creek is dead flat. Something to strive for, I suppose.

As if running three miles wasn't fun enough, I also had rehearsal yesterday. For those who don't know, dance is one of my other passions. I'm performing in a show on June 25 & 26 and we started rehearsal this week. It was tantamount to a cheerleading practice. The choreographer (whom I adore) wants to incorporate a lot of tricks and theatrics into the piece, so he had us doing toe touches, roundhouse kicks, and things of that ilk. I hadn't properly warmed up my hips, so my right hip is calling me nasty names right about now. As a result, I'm going to take a nice long bike ride this afternoon. I figure that should be a bit easier on the hip than running more or even swimming.

Camp starts back tomorrow and I'm really excited about that. I guess it was good that this was an off week since I was having joint issues, but I'm beyond ready to get back into it. I'm also taking tomorrow and Tuesday off from work, so I'm looking to get some really good training in. I need to reconfigure my schedule a bit because of rehearsals, but that shouldn't be a big deal. I'm also determined to stick to the nutrition plan this time around because I'm going to the beach the last week of camp and I want to actually wear the cute bikini I bought last summer. Of course, it probably means said bikini is too big as a lot of stuff from last summer is. It's a good problem to have methinks.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Making Friends With Fear

Fear #1: I won't be able to make the fundraising minimum.

I set my personal goal as $4000. How much do I have in so far? $100. I have my dinner in a little under 2 weeks and I'm hoping that will really boost things. I haven't gotten any response from my family members which is both odd and annoying. I mean, we have a history of cancer in our family, don't you think they'd be up for donating something to fight it? I may send out another email and start calling them. Bottom line, I can't cover the difference if I don't make the minimum, which is what we're required to do. I haven't really hit up my co-workers or discussed fundraising in depth with the TNT people. Just looking through the booklet was overwhelming.

Part of me wants to give up. I know I can't though. I have to do this. I have to succeed. This can be done. Time and creativity are on my side. Cancer can't be allowed to win. Fear can't be allowed to win. Who else is going to stand up if not me? Why look around and hope that other people are willing to step up when I'm just as capable? Maybe when people see I'm really serious not only about the triathlon, but about fundraising, they'll be inspired. It helps to be taken seriously.

Fear #2: My First Tri
I'll be competing in my first tri, a super sprint, in 23 days. I've been off for a week and it feels like I've been off for a month. It's a 250 meter pool swim, 8.5 mile bike, and 2 mile run. I'm alternating between being terrified of drowning or crashing on the bike. I still don't swim with my face in the water, which is probably part of the reason I'm having a hard time with it. I've heard horror stories about people being steamrolled during the swim and I *really* don't want that. Then there's the bike. There are hills! There are other cyclists! We're on an actual road! This is clearly a recipe for disaster. I'm going to go down and take everyone with me!

Time to take advantage of the massive number of clubs around me and run with the big dogs. They're doing a run on Sunday and a group ride on Tuesday. I'm not gonna get anywhere if I don't challenge myself. The only thing that's inconvenient are the swims. But two out of three ain't bad, right? They also tend to organize other rides and runs as well and it's not like it's hard to keep track. Plus, they seem pretty good about making sure the n00bs and slow pokes aren't left too far behind.

So, it's time to make friends with fear and show it that I'm the bigger person. Rawr.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Being A Good Patient

The sprained ankle has gotten worse. Maybe it was the shoes I was wearing today or something, but it's been pretty bad. I actually iced it and I never ice joints, have it braced, and I'm trying to stay off it. I think it's moderately successful. It's not really feeling any better. I'm going to try to be a good patient and stay off it the rest of the week. Camp starts back up again next Monday, so that gives me 5 more days to try and heal up a bit.

I hate that I'm losing training time, but I keep trying (tri-ing) to remind myself that it's better to miss a week than 6 because I ended up tearing a tendon or breaking another bone.

I'm also trying to get my diet in order. I'm not getting nearly enough protein for the amount of exercise I get and trying to lower my carb intake. We'll see how that goes.

Until next time, my intrepid readers.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Getting Back on Track

So training hasn't gone as planned this weekend. Yesterday I just did yoga and today I wanted to run 3 miles and bike 8-10. I've never run in 80 degree heat before, so I only made it through a mile of the run. I decided to wait to go out on the bike, then the temperature actually went up. I probably should've gone anyway and I need to learn to train in temperatures way worse than this. It also didn't help that I stayed up super late last night and threw off my sleep schedule. That's probably part of why I just couldn't get it together.

We're off camp this week so I can do some training in the morning. I won't have another chance to get out on the Greenway until at least Wednesday night. I guess I could bike through the neighborhood, but I'm not sure I'm ready to handle traffic yet.

Ideally the week will look something like this:

Monday: Run
Tuesday: Swim
Wednesday: Swim & Bike
Thursday: Run
Friday: Bike
Saturday: Swim & Run
Sunday: Bike

I guess we'll see how it pans out. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

I Didn't Fall!

So I finally got a chance to take the bike out. I went to a trail not too far from the house and got some good practice time in. Since a lot of schools didn't have the day off, it was fairly quiet. By the time I finished, I was feeling pretty good. I only did 4 miles but it's a start. I also don't go in a very straight line yet, but that will come with practice. The point is I didn't fall and no one laughed at me. If anything, I was getting a fair number of sympathetic looks when people would come across me trying to get moving after I stopped. After a few more rounds I'm sure I'll be ready for a group ride. As expected, lowering the seat definitely helped.

My thumbs hurt from the death grip I had on the handlebars, but again, I'm sure that'll get better. I did about half the distance of the super sprint and that gave me the boost I think I needed. I might actually pull this off. I need to run a few errands near the Y, so I'll probably stop in for a swim. I also need to look into swim lessons since my technique can only go up. I think the Y does those free, though.

Tomorrow is a run, then maybe I'll take Gunter (the bike) out in the neighborhood now that I know I *can* still ride. The trail is a gangbang on Saturdays especially now that the weather is nice. Since I'm having trouble with the whole straight line thing, the neighborhood might be a better choice. Plus there are bike lanes through 90% of it. I might throw a yoga class in there as well to work out all the kinks.

Until next time!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Who Are You?

Well, won't make it to the tri club meeting. Thank you migraine. After I finish this entry, I'm definitely closing the blinds, putting on my sleep mask, and trying not to die. Not the point.

The point is I'm nowhere near the person I was even three months ago. It came to me as I was shaking turf bits out of my running shoes this morning. I had gotten up at 5am only to run and do pushups on a wet football field. And I liked it. I liked being wet, covered in turf bits, and sweating my ass off. It was a challenge I didn't back down from. FitWit laid the groundwork for my triathlon aspirations. Even when I think I can't do another push up or run another lap, I remember just how far I've come. Anyone who's known me for any length of time knows that 5am used to be for going to bed and I'd rather be covered in honey and left for ants than run. I'd like to think I've evolved into a better person. One of my friends even commented when I mentioned my bike matched my new car that he didn't know me any more. In the nicest way possible, of course.

I've always been stubborn as hell and I've finally found an outlet where it's an asset rather than a hindrance. I finished my first real race and that's mind boggling to me. I honestly never thought I would do something like that. Now I'm hooked. I've got some form of race scheduled almost every month for the rest of the year. Two 5k's, two 10k's, 2 (possibly 3) tris, and a half marathon. I'm also looking into adventure racing provided I can find a partner. Who is this girl? I'm not totally sure yet, but I think I like her. I don't think I'd mind if she stuck around for a while.

And after that burst of philosophical codswallop, time to hide in the dark until my head stops pounding.