Monday, July 26, 2010

Well, Maybe Not

Mother Nature has been getting in the way already. I don't know why my stupid self thought training in late July was a good idea. Yesterday I didn't get up in time to go out before it got too hot and I had to work last night. Today I made it to camp and I planned on going out after work. Currently it's thundering and lightening, so I figure that's a bad plan. Being electrocuted isn't on my to do list today. I guess I could go over to the Y later and run on the treadmill, but I really want to get it done outside. Meh. I'm sure I'll get my chance. Perhaps tomorrow evening will allow for such things.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm Baaaaack!

And ready to rock. My goal is now the Tri Red tri in October. I think that's enough time to get myself back into shape and tackle the tri. Tomorrow is my first day back, so here's what's on tap for this week (barring weather issues). I'm currently healing a tattoo, so swimming is out for at least another 10 days. I know, I know. I need to work on my worst event. Sue me.


1 mile run
6 mile bike
Both for time to see where I'm re-starting from.

1.5 mile run
Yoga (hey, gotta work the kinks out!)

7 mile bike

2 mile run

8 mile bike



1.5 mile run
7 mile bike


The week after I start weight lifting classes with FitWit, so my schedule will change pretty significantly. Let's see if I can stick to the plan this week.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bad Times

So I've thrashed pretty much every bit of connective tissue in my left ankle without actually breaking or tearing anything. Even my achilles hurts and that never happens. I'm finally going to be a good girl and follow the doctor's orders. No nothing for 3 weeks. That means no running, jumping, dancing, and even walking should be avoided. I've got it braced and I need to ice it, but I don't want to get up right now. After 3 weeks in the brace, I can start rehabing it slowly and ease myself back into my regular activity level. Running short distances, one dance class, that kind of thing. I pretty much will have to start from scratch and that's upsetting. I guess I can keep strength training and doing upper body work, but it won't be the same. *pout* I also need to invest in a Bosu ball and those suckers aren't cheap. Of course, neither is surgery to repair torn ligaments and tendons because I didn't take care of my ankle the first time.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Final Countdown *air guitar*

So Collins Hill is a mere 4 days away. I haven't exactly gotten in awesome training either. Though my intent is just to finish and get the experience. The distances are do-able, especially considering I'll be running over a mile longer on Saturday morning than I'll be running on Sunday. It is supposed to rain though, which could lead to a very scary bike leg. They sent an email out today detailing specific rules. Apparently on the run you aren't allowed to crawl. I laughed, but I'm sure they have that rule in place for a reason. Also any stroke is legal during the swim, so I think I'm gonna be backstroking the whole way. I may start freestyle just so I can see the traffic in front of me. Hell, I'll probably be so nervous that I'll jump in and forget what I'm doing. At least I can touch the bottom of the pool.

On the fundraising front, I should be hearing back from Palate with a final number. I'm hoping for around $200, which would get me almost a third of the way toward the minimum. I have a few more ideas up my sleeve as well. I'll probably host another event later in the summer and market it a bit better. I got good feedback and I may be able to better coordinate with the FitWit crew.

This will get a ton easier when the season actually kicks off and I'm training more consistently with a group. That's doubly true for swimming. I really need to get off my lazy ass and go out with NAMC, but it's just that. I'm lazy. Once I get off said lazy ass and do it, I'm hooked. It just takes me, oh, about 367 tries (tris!) before I do it. My next chance is their group ride next Tuesday as they run on Sundays and I'm obviously otherwise engaged. So we'll see. I'm not sure how my butt and nerves will take 22 miles on roads with cars and hills, but that's part of the challenge. Plus, I heard rumors of Taco Mac.

Tomorrow is rehearsal, ballet class, and then probably my last swim before Sunday. I think I got this. Scratch that, I KNOW I got this.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Many thanks to Dani S. for her donation to the cause. Just goes to show that any amount makes a difference. You're awesome, my dear. Thanks for your generosity!

5k Round Two

Today is supposed to be my 2nd 5k. I say "supposed to" because it's raining. It's been thundering off and on. The RD said that they would run it rain or shine, but would change the start time if it looked like the runners were going to be electrocuted. That's mighty nice of them. I figure I'll play it by ear. If it doesn't look that bad, I'll go ahead and run it. If it's pouring rain, I won't bother. They already got my entry fee/donation so at worst I'm out $20. I would like to run and post a better time than I did in my first race, but I also don't want to risk slipping, face planting, and injuring or re-injuring one of my already emotional joints. Which reminds me, I need to put my ThermiPack back in the freezer.

If it's not raining tomorrow, I'll take Gunter out. I also need to look into getting a pair of tri shorts. My original plan of throwing the bike shorts over the swimsuit was strongly suggested against. I guess it makes sense. I have a $30 credit at the bike store where I bought Gunter and I know they have tri stuff, so that should pay for a decent pair. Then I guess I'll swim in my sports bra and shorts and throw a top over it for bike and run. I do hope they have semi-private areas for me to wring it out first. I wouldn't want to offend anyone or cause an earthquake. ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Success, I'd Say

I think the event last night was a real success. About 20-30 people came out, ate, drank, and were merry. I'll get the check in about a week, but just looking at what people were eating and drinking, I think it'll be a nice boost. I'm glad that FitWitters are a bunch of lushes. ;) It was also nice to talk to everyone and explain further what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. After all, a personal connection does drive the point home.

Thanks to not getting home until 1am, I skipped work today. It did give me a nice opportunity to train, though. I finally got back in the pool and it wasn't as bad as I'd been dreading. I alternated freestyle and backstroke and that seemed to work better. I need a nose plug because I kept getting water up my nose and that wasn't exactly good times. Nope, not at all. I also went for a bike ride and worked out on the elliptical. I find it's kinder and gentler on my joints and I get pretty much the same cardio endurance. I'm gonna get more pool time in tomorrow after my review at BBW.

I offered to be a running buddy for the Girls on the Run 5k the day before my tri, so we'll see. I haven't heard back from the coordinator yet, so they may or may not need my services. I probably shouldn't be running the day before my tri, but it's a great way to start getting involved with the organization before I start coaching.