Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm Gonna Run This Town Tonight

Tomorrow begins the last week of camp. I'm also finally going to give myself the super short haircut I've been threatening for months. I'm a little nervous, but it's a necessary change. Not only for the obvious reasons that I haven't had a haircut in about 6 months and my hair is so gross and fried. I also need to shed the emotional junk that I've collected over the past 6 months or so. I'm a firm believer that hair holds memories and emotions and that cutting it off can free you of that baggage. If that makes me a hippie, so be it. This will probably be the third or fourth time I've made a major hair change in conjunction with some kind of emotional turmoil.

Even though I have a day off tomorrow, it's still gonna be an early start. I've got camp at 6, then I may or may not do a noon yoga class, my hair appointment is at 3, there's another yoga class at 430, then dance at 7. I'd have a good 2 hours to kill between the first yoga class and my hair appointment, so I dunno. Plus, I don't exactly want to show up all gross and sweaty. I'll just get gross and sweaty right after I get a great cut and style. :P P.S. How hard is it to find a salon that's open on a Monday? It took me three tries before I found a place open on a Monday. They automatically get extra points for that.

I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully even more freedom and calm. Nothing like yoga and chopping off your hair to get your center.

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